Optimizing fNIRS Signal Quality

A step by step guide to optimizing fNIRS signal quality, focusing on the NIRSport2 device and Aurora fNIRS software



1:55 PART 1 Assessing Signal Quality
11:35 Additional Signal Quality Metrics with Dr. Pollonini

12:15 PART 2 Troubleshooting Signal Quality
13:58 Hair!
19:30 Cap set up troubles
23:53 Probes incorrectly placed according to montage
25:33 Interoptode distance too long
26:13 Environmental light interference
27:42 Skull Thickness
28:25 Optodes
29:57 Device worries
31:35 Bonus tips
33:05 Short channel Considerations
35:10 Slit creation guidelines link

35:38 PART 3 Installation and Signal Check Demo
35:56 1st participant: example of setup and general check
39:12 2nd participant